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Gustavo Jaimes
28 sept 20243 Min. de lectura
Why the Laundry Business Must Evolve to Survive
The laundry business, a sector I’ve known closely through my family’s long history in the industry, has remained largely unchanged for...
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Gustavo Jaimes
1 ago 20243 Min. de lectura
The Hierarchy of Waste Treatment: Why Reuse is Better Than Recycling
Recycling is often promoted as a key environmental practice, but within the waste treatment hierarchy, it is actually the third option....
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Gustavo Jaimes
24 may 20243 Min. de lectura
Unveiling the Fallacy: Fast Fashion's Exploitative Facade and the Imperative for Change
In the wake of recent discourse sparked by social media, I am compelled to embark on a profound exploration of a subject that resonates...
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Gustavo Jaimes
20 mar 20243 Min. de lectura
Rethinking Marketing: Beyond Numbers to Strategic Success
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the traditional approach to marketing, focused solely on reaching a broad audience, is...
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Gustavo Jaimes
13 dic 20235 Min. de lectura
Consumer evolution and its importance in marketing strategy
I have always thought that a good way to describe what marketing is is to think of it as the bridge that connects a product to a...
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Gustavo Jaimes
7 dic 20231 Min. de lectura
Puro Marketing - Publications Here you can read some of my best publications in the Spanish digital magazine Puro Marketing. Thanks...
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Gustavo Jaimes
15 sept 20162 Min. de lectura
Women’s bicycle industry in Latin America
It is not a secret: the sports for women are a big boom. Women’s sporting goods industry has been growing very fast the last 10 years:...
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Gustavo Jaimes
18 ago 20163 Min. de lectura
El nuevo marketing 3.0
El mundo cambia constantemente y lo que ayer era un hit hoy está en el olvido. El marketing ha cambiado, porque el comportamiento de...
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Gustavo Jaimes
13 abr 20162 Min. de lectura
The cycling boom in Latin America
In recent years sports growth in Latin America has been exponential, and demand seems endless. It’s amazing how in young countries, in...
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Gustavo Jaimes
16 mar 20162 Min. de lectura
The bicycle business in Latin America just begun
While in most parts of the world the bicycle business has already matured, in Latin America is just beginning. The bicycle business ...
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Gustavo Jaimes
13 jun 20134 Min. de lectura
La Venta Consultiva en la práctica
Mucho hemos hablado ya de la Venta Consultiva, de su importancia y de su concepto. Sabemos que en el sector de ventas B2B quizá no sea...
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Gustavo Jaimes
1 may 20133 Min. de lectura
El papel de la fuerza de ventas en la empresa actual.
El esquema de ventas tradicional ha pasado por varias etapas a lo largo de la historia, por ej, en años cincuenta, con la fabricación en...
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Gustavo Jaimes
17 abr 20132 Min. de lectura
La Venta Compleja
La Venta Compleja es lo que comúnmente llamamos venta corporativa o venta Business to Business, una relación comercial entre dos...
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Gustavo Jaimes
9 abr 20133 Min. de lectura
El Vendedor Consultor
En la entrada anterior hablamos de que era la Venta Consultiva y el Marketing Relacional, pero me parece importante profundizar a cerca...
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Gustavo Jaimes
5 abr 20134 Min. de lectura
Marketing relacional y Venta Consultiva
En el entorno actual donde las diferencias entre productos en cuanto al diseño y desarrollo casi no existen, en donde los medios de...
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